
Osho Zen Tarot says...sharing.


As you move above to the fourth center - that is the heart - your whole life becomes a sharing of love. The third center has created the abundance of love. By reaching to the third center in meditation, you have become so overflowing with love, with compassion, and you want to share. It happens at the fourth center, the heart.

That's why even in the ordinary world people think love comes out of the heart. For them it is just hearsay, they have heard it; they don't know it because they have never reached to their heart. But the meditator finally reaches to the heart. As he has reached to the center of his being - the third center - suddenly an explosion of love and compassion and joy and blissfulness and benediction has arisen in him with such a force that it hits his heart and opens the heart. The heart is just in the middle of all your seven centers - three centers below, three centers above. You have come exactly to the middle.

Osho The Search: Talks on the Ten Bulls of Zen Chapter2

Tengo que aprender a fingir más, y a pilotear lo que pienso...


Me pareció ver dos payasos
con cara de susto cerrando el local
disimulá, llevan los trajes puestos
van para el circo a buscar los camellos.

Lucen un poquito espantados
salidos de un cuadro
que se está por borrar
disimulá, que están muy transpirados
llevan un balde con papel picado.

Tengo que aprender a fingir más, y a no mostar lo que siento
Tengo que aprender a fingir más, y a pilotear lo que pienso.

Trato de acercarme a una puerta
y escucho un enjambre de moscas silbar
disimulá, estan zumbando mi nombre
debemos irnos y no se por donde.

Tengo que aprender a fingir mas, y a no mostar lo que siento
Tengo que aprender a fingir mas, y a pilotear lo que pienso.

(Coro) Algunas noche soy facil, no acato limites.

Tengo que aprender a fingir más..(?)